How to sell your knowledge? The secret is infographics for your business.
Summary: Learning how to visually showcase your intellectual property through infographics makes it more concrete. Potential customers can easily see you have a proven process and are more likely to buy-in.
As a consultant, expert or thought leader, your business is tied to your experience and expertise – i.e. your knowledge. But how can you easily show prospects that what you have to offer is real results and not just hot air?
Infographics are the perfect medium for showcasing your knowledge in a tangible way.
Below, I’m going to show you how infographics for your business can improve both your service delivery and your audience response. This means you’ll not only get more buy-in, you’ll get more consistent, repeatable results!
How Infographics for Business Improve Your Conversion Rates
When it comes to how people respond to information, we can plot it along a spectrum.

On one end of the spectrum, we have the audience saying “no”, which business consultants, experts, and thought leaders all dread. You submit a proposal, you get up and pitch your services, you do a keynote presentation. And for whatever reason, you’re getting a “no”. You’re not making a sale, you’re not attracting clients, and you’re not getting the response that you want from your ideal clients? Maybe they’re scrolling past you on social media.
On the end of the spectrum, you have an audience who is RAPT in the solution and the service that you’re offering, and they can’t wait to work with you!
Over 50% of the Brain is Dedicated to Processing Visual Information
Our brains spend 50% of their processing power on visual information (Medina, 2014, Brain Rules, 2nd edn, Pear Press, Seattle). That’s a lot of resources allocated to that area.
That goes to show just how important visual information is to humans!
So, if you’re not leveraging that statistic, you’re potentially making it a lot more difficult for your audience to understand your message and engage with you!

The Brain Retains Visual Information for Longer
Did you know that the brain also has a better time retaining information when it’s presented as image and words, than image alone? This phenomenon is known as the Picture Superiority Effect.

Based on research into the Picture Superiority Effect, when we read text alone, we are likely to remember only 10% of the information 3 days later. If that information is presented to us as text combined with a relevant image, we are likely to remember 65% of the information 3 days later! (Paivio & Csapo, 1973, ‘Picture superiority in free recall: Imagery or dual coding?’ Cognitive Psychology, vol. 5 (2), pp. 176-206.)
Takeaway – if you’re not using infographics for your business, you are not leveraging these two facts about the human brain. You’re potentially missing out on capturing your audience’s attention, and them recalling you and your solution later.
Use the power of the human brain!
How Infographics Turn Your Service Delivery into a Tangible System
Now that we know how key infographics/visuals are to capturing your audience’s attention, let’s move into actually translating your intellectual property into infographics.
As a consultant, expert, or thought leader, you have years, possibly decades of experience and knowledge to bring to the table. You’re able to jump in with a client, triage what’s going on and create a solution that works for them.
But how do you show all of that knowledge? It’s one thing to tell them, “I have a proven track record” and here are my testimonials.” That tells them that you are capable of getting results, but doesn’t show them anything.
I see consultants working along the spectrum of 100% bespoke services right up to a proven system.

Bespoke – Difficult to Show Your Method
I see many business consultants who are doing almost everything Bespoke. And it’s exhausting.
Generally, this happens because we’ve got all of that knowledge locked inside our brains. And when the client comes to us with a problem, we are creatively applying our experience, our expertise, our skills, to create a bespoke customised solution. And we make sure the client gets high-quality results.
It’s not necessarily the quickest, most efficient, or most profitable way of doing it. But we have attention to detail, and we have a high-value customer service experience.
It’s difficult to show potential clients your way of working because it changes from client to client.
If you’re working 100% bespoke, it’s difficult to distil into a picture your way of working.
Proven System – Easy to Show Your Method
At the other end of the spectrum, we’ve got a Proven System.
A Proven System is where you have a proven step-by-step process that no matter who in your team delivers this service for your clients, they are guaranteed to get high-quality results. You’ve proven time and time again that this system works.
You’ve taken what is inside your expert brain, you’ve put it into a system, and you’ve laid it out so that everybody on the team can be trained to deliver that service to the highest possible quality.
Not only that, when you have a proven, repeatable system, that’s a lot easier to turn into infographics to show prospects how you work. They can be great assets in helping you to sell your knowledge.
With a Proven System, we can more easily translate that into a suite of infographics that show your prospects how you work and how you get results for them.
Infographics for Business Assessments
We’ve gone over these two spectrums: the audience response (NO – RAPT) and the service delivery (BESPOKE – PROVEN SYSTEM). Now it’s time to plot which of these 4 quadrants your business falls into, and it will tell us a lot about where you are and what you need to improve.

In terms of your Service Delivery, where are you along that line? Do you lean more towards Bespoke or more towards Proven System?
And then for the Audience Response, do the same. Where are you at in terms of the response and conversion rates you’re getting with your clients? If you’re getting a 100% conversion rate, then you’re down at the RAPT end. Or are you getting a 0% conversion rate? That places you on the NO end of the spectrum.
Then once you’ve got those two points on the axes, you’ll be able to join them together and see which quadrant you fit into in this matrix. Below I’ve described what is in each quadrant.
High Risk
If you do everything bespoke, and you’re not getting a great audience response, you’ll be in the high risk quadrant.

You’re hanging on by the skin of your teeth because if you are not attracting clients, you’re not converting those proposals into actual dollars in the bank. And when you do get them, when that rarely happens, when that does happen, you’re not delivering efficiently because it’s a very bespoke service.
You can only fulfil one project at a time before you’re then scrambling for the next one. It’s a very high-risk way of doing business.
Hidden Gem
If you have a proven system, but you haven’t quite got around to creating your infographics to enRAPT your audience, you’re a Hidden Gem.

You’ve potentially got a goldmine, and you just need to have a way of communicating how great your system is, clearly and succinctly that will convert and have a RAPT audience.
It’s time to convert your Proven System into infographics for your business.
Bottle Neck
If everything you do is bespoke, but the audience is saying hell yes, you’ve got a bottle neck.

You’re attracting clients in, but there is a limit to how many you can take on at a time. Because each project is bespoke, it’s not streamlined or leveraged. You’re in high demand, but the lack of a proven repeatable system is slowing you down.
There are also bottlenecks within the team because you’ve still got knowledge locked inside the business owner’s brains. Individuals can also become bottlenecks within the business, meaning that you cannot deliver the service as efficiently and profitably as you would like. And that key person risk can be dangerous.
Massive Impact
If you’ve got a Proven System AND your audience is RAPT, that’s what we call the zone of Massive Impact.

The top right is where we want to aim.
Massive Impact is where you’ve got a Proven System you can deliver, you’ve got capacity, and you can provide your services with exceptional results for your clients time and time again.
And you’ve got the ability to attract your audience and your clients, because they love your work.
How to sell your knowledge Using Infographics for Business
In this article, we’ve covered why you should be using more visuals in your business – especially infographics for business because it leverages the way the human brain naturally works.
We looked at the spectrum of audience response – from No – RAPT, and discussed one way of getting more people RAPT is to use infographics.
With those foundations built, we then dived into the spectrum of service delivery – from bespoke to proven system. And what businesses look like in each of the four quadrants.
Key Takeaway: Whether you’re a Bottle Neck who is at capacity for clients or a Hidden Gem who needs more clients – infographics for business will move you up into the zone of Massive Impact.