5 Stages to Create Your Unique Business System

business system

Are you looking to stand out from your competitors and take your business to the next level? This 5 stage process will help you create your unique business system that helps you to streamline, standout, and scale. We call it the RAPT System.

The RAPT System is 4 visual models that you need as the foundation for your business system. They provide a  framework for systemising and scaling your business, so you can focus on what matters most – delivering exceptional customer experiences.

In this post, we’re going to show you how to take your unique intellectual property and distil it into 4 visual models using our 5-step system:

  1. Clarify
  2. Extract
  3. Present
  4. Package
  5. Create

Let’s dive into each of those stages.

Stage 1: Clarify the basics of your business system

In this stage, you’re going to clarify the basics before creating your business system. You’ve probably got all these things in place, but we highly recommend that you revisit the basics before you create this intellectual property.

That’s because we want the IP to last more than five minutes.

If you’re going to invest the time and energy into creating a Think RAPT system, you want to make sure that you’ve got the foundations right.

So revisit and clarify the following:

Where is your business now and where do you want to go? Begin with the end in mind.

Who is the audience for these models you’re creating?

Why do they need you? We wanna understand on a deeper level why it is that they need to buy from you.

What is the result or the outcome that they will actually pay you money for?

Stage 2: Extract your intellectual property

Stage two is to extract the business system This is the juicy stuff. This is where we’re going to extract the expertise and the knowledge from your brain and turn it into the four models that form the basis of your whole business system.

We do this one at a time for each of the 4 models:

Results Model

Answers Model

Process Model

Target Model

Results Model Extraction

So the first model you’re going to extract is the Results Model. This is an aspirational model for your business system. It shows your audience that you know where they are and where they want to be.

The first part of this is to decide which is the right type of Results Model for your audience:

Hero’s Journey Style

Spectrum Style

Matrix Style

So for example, if you are B2C, or if your audience is an individual, say solopreneur, then you might want to go the Hero’s Journey style.

Or if you’re measuring the quality of something, you might choose to do a Results Spectrum.

Or if you’re selling B2B, you’re probably gonna go for a Results Matrix.

For example, if you’re going to create a Hero’s Journey, you want to have the five key parts of that hero’s journey.

First you’re going to have the opening or the beginning of the story (part 1), then there’s a bit of a buildup (part 2), then there’s a complication (part 3), this is usually where your clients will come to you where they need you. Then we’re gonna have a transition (part 4). That’s where you help them. And then finally, the happy ending (part 5). Those five parts would be how you would extract your Hero’s Journey Style.

Answers Model Extraction

To extract the Answers Model, you’re going to go into diagnosis mode as the experts. So you as the expert, need to understand what are your clients’ problems? What are the obstacles and challenges they’re experiencing? What are the reasons why they’re not actually achieving the best case scenario that they want from the Results Model?

To extract this information, I highly recommend you grab post-it notes and think about all of the problems your clients’ experience. Write one problem per post-it note and put them all out.

And then you chunk those into between 3-7 groups.

Then you want to create the flip side of that and ask “what is the solution or the answers to all of those problems? What are the key things that they need to be successful?

Again, as the expert, you are going to give them that prescription that solves the problems.

Use nouns when you are crafting the Answers Model.

Process Model Extraction

When you’re extracting the Process Model, post-it notes are your friend, again.

Here in this model, you’re gonna be extracting what are all the things that need to be done to get your clients from A to B?

So they’re gonna do this, do this, do this, do this.

Now, you don’t need to extract it in order. Go into this brainstorm mode. One idea per post-it. Note all the things that need to be done. Get them all out. You might have as many as 357 post-it notes. And then what you’re going to do is chunk them into categories. Put them into groups. No one wants to sign up for your 357 step course. So you give them between three and seven steps.

First, do a complete brainstorm and a complete extraction, and then get the chronological order and get the chunking. That’s your Process Model.

Target Model Extraction

The fourth model to extract then is the Target Model. So here you’re thinking about what are all the benefits that your client wants?

So here you want to be focusing on the audience and what they want. Not necessarily what they need, but what they want. So making sure when you are crafting this Target Model, remember we’re aiming for three benefits that you are actually using your audience’s language. Make sure you’re reflecting back the things that they say to you they want when they first come to you in their words. And that’s what you want to bring into the Target Model.

Stage 3: Present your business system

The third stage is to Present your business system. So we’re not getting any graphic design done yet. We’re not ready for that. Before you do that, you need to talk through your models using our pitch script.

Opening Question

To start this off, you want to have an opening question that your audience will say yes to. So come up with a question that’s either asking them about something they want to move towards or something that they want to move away from.

Results Model

Then you want to introduce the first model in your business system, the Results Model. So for example, if you have a hero’s journey style of results model you want to introduce that in either and talk through it in either first person or third person.

So say for example, you are a role model for your audience, then you are going to be saying, talking through this Results Model – the hero’s journey – in first person. So I’d be saying, “let me tell you about my story. I started off da, da da,” and then you would talk through that hero’s journey. Or if it’s going to be a case study, “let me tell you about my client, Katie-Jane, she started off da da da da.”

Answers Model

Then we move on to the Answers Model. So to introduce that, you’re going to say, “these are the key ingredients that you need to master.” And then present the Answers Model.

Process Model

The Process Model is the heart and soul of your business system. To introduce it, you simply say, “And this is how we do it”. And then present your Process Model.

Target Model

“And when you follow this step by step process, these are the benefits”, then present your Target Model.

Why do we need to do stage three?

This presentation is is for three main reasons:

One is it gives you an opportunity to practise talking through your models before you actually go live to a real client.

Second, it gives us an opportunity to improve what you’ve extracted and created. It’s very, very important that when you, when you talk through the models out loud for the first time, you’ll notice the kinks and the, and the bits that feel a bit awkward. And so you’ll be able to iron those out before

And thirdly, it gives you the opportunity to record the presentation and have that transcribed, and then that can feed into the copy that goes into your final output documents.

Stage 4: Package your business system into solutions

Stage four in creating your business system is about packaging.

Once your IP is all pulled out, packaging your solutions into products is going to allow you to have a more scalable business.

You want to look at how you can package your solution in a way that’s going to optimise your profit margins. So by creating these IP assets you can create things like a book, workshops and courses, your pitch deck, service delivery brochure and proposals, social media content, landing pages. All of these things should be based on your RAPT System.

Once it is created, those four models are the core of a service-based business. You want to build everything around this IP once you’ve got it created. So you’re going to craft your product funnel and craft those packages around that IP so that there’s consistent messaging through every single offer that you have.

Stage 5: Create your Intellectual Property Assets

And finally, then you move into the creation of your IP assets. This is creating the key assets.

Get the graphic design done of your models.

Create a pitch deck that actually shows animation through the models themselves.

Turn it into a brochure or proposal document or a go to market or a capability statement, whatever it is that you call that type of document.

If you’re running workshops or online courses you may also want to create worksheets based on blank versions of your models so that your participants can actually fill in the models as you go as well.

There you have it. Our five stage process to craft your very own unique business system that you can use to streamline, standout and scale.


Win More Clients with Visual Models

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